Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 11 - Cooktown to Archer River Station

We enjoyed our time in Cooktown and I could have stayed longer, but it was time to move further north. How much further can there be to go? About another 700 kms! We stopped at Black Mountain National Park – it turns out that this mountain is actually made up of a lot of rocks that are all tumbling down, and it is quite spectacular.
We drove to Lakeland and this is where the gravel road starts, and we stopped to let the tyres down.

 It turned out that there were lots of patches of bitumen road along the way, but the lower tyre pressure certainly eases the bounce of the corrugations. There is a big Indigenous dance festival in Laura this weekend and they are expecting 4000 people, so we are keen to get moving out of the way of this traffic as soon as we can. We stopped to help some broken down travellers. They didn’t have a Toyota, but Jim’s advice (next time - buy a Toyota) was welcomed and we hoped to get some good road breakdown karma by stopping to help out.

The roads were pretty good. Many of the roads have been recently graded, but you need to keep an eye out for oncoming trucks and washouts in the creek crossings. 

We made it to Archer River station to camp for the night. It was a pretty spot and we opted to set up camp in the campground and sat around a small camp fire with some fellow travellers. The banks of the Archer River also looked like a great place to camp, but we were happy to be at the Station and it was great to share stories about the track and where everyone has been and is going. Petrol was $2 per litre, but we needed to fill up anyway, so just smiled and paid the money anyway.

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