Monday, May 25, 2009

Geocaching - an exciting new adventure

Over the weekend Jim and I had our first experience of Geocaching. For all you muggles out there (muggles are what we Geocachers call the non-believers), Geocaching is a treasure hunting game that is played all around the world by adventurers who use a GPS to locate hidden containers (called geocaches) then you go online and share the experience of the search with other Geocachers. It is a fun, outdoor activity that the whole family can enjoy and people of all ages can participate in.

With my friend Ellen, we headed out Saturday to look for the first cache hidden in the Whipstick forest not far from where we live. We had no luck and realised that the GPS that finds the streets was pretty much useless. We had a dodgy old handheld GPS and this was very handy. We had a trip home to get the GPS instruction book, then back out but still no luck and eventually we ran out of daylight. Home for tea and more strategy discussions, then we were out bright and early on Sunday morning. This time, our homework paid off and we found three caches in around an hour. Now we are hooked and searching the website for our next adventure. Have you tried geocaching? What do you do for fun on the weekend?

Helen and Jim

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